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 I want to say thanks for all of those who have come here and visited. I would like to also thank those who have contributed to the tips section of this web site. I know that there hasn't been a look of new cars showing up here, so I have tried to change the graphics around on this web site. In the above pictures you will see my complete collection of completed kits along with a mug shot of myself. I thought that it might be time to add that into the page. I do have about 16 kits stacked up in the corner that need to be put together. With any luck I will be able to get to these between doing my other hobbies. Hopefully with your help in the tips department we can continue to add to that page. If there is a web page that you would like to see added to the links page, please just drop a line and let me know. Thanks again to everyone. Some of you folks out there have asked for larger pictures so as a part of this new setup I am including larger pictures of the cars. All that you have to do is just click away and be happy.

Created by Everett Seifridsberger

Hosted by Web Services Group
updated 2023